Mama T’s is making a significant difference in Ada’s homeless community with scare resources. We can do so much more if you would consider supporting those in need in the spirit of the season.
Until we can obtain dependable and renewable grants, Mama T’s requires operating funds to move forward. Since we are requesting donations, you should know what exactly Mama T’s does and what your dollars pay for. Here’s how you can help.
To do this, we are engaged in a “be a bee” (benefactor) for Mama T’s. We are asking those who can do so, to commit to a yearly contribution of $1,000 for a period of five years. This is $83.34 a month, something you might spend taking your family out for a meal and a movie including soda and popcorn. This gift can be paid yearly, quarterly, or monthly. We know for some, a donation is a considerable amount of money, money some do not have to spare. If this is you, please know we will gratefully accept whatever you are able to regularly .. whether, it’s $10, $25, or $50 a month. If this is not possible, we will joyfully thank you for your prayers.
Mama T’s is here to help those in crisis – individuals and families with children – who have no place to call their own and no reliable place to lay their heads at night. Yes, we provide them with a temporary haven; however, the goal is to help our guests leave Mama T’s as quickly as possible, armed with the tools to help them into new and better lives benefiting them and our community. Mama T’s is and never was intended to be a warehouse for the homeless!!
To do this well, we need money coming in on a regular basis!
It takes time to obtain the renewable grants providing us with a steady income stream. US government grants, and most foundations, require a three-year financial history of operations. They do not believe in taking a leap of faith.
Our plan is to secure private funding to sustain the shelter on a 24/7 basis for three to five years as we build the required history of success permitting us to obtain renewable grants…grants which will be the bedrock of Mama T’s in the years to come.
We accept cash, credit cards, or automatic bank deposits by clicking HERE and please consider checking the option to “Make this a monthly donation”. Please contact Patty Laramore at to provide you with any details.
The end of the year is the time when many make their tax-deductible contributions. We ask you to prayerfully consider what you can give, keeping in mind the Lord is not expecting your gift to be made because you can deduct it from your taxes, he expects you to give with love from your heart.