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success stories

Because success stories are relatively rare for residents of homeless shelters, Mama T's is very proud of our success rate which is significantly higher than the national average.  

spring 2024

Daylight Saving Time is here, the sun shines brightly, birds rouse us with varied musical songs and everywhere daffodils’ yellow smiles are blooming. Spring has announced its arrival, and it seems time for more feel good stories about Mama T’s residents who are no longer in need of an emergency shelter roof over their heads, who have worked their way out of our Transitional Living Community and are on their way to independent living for themselves and/or their families. So….here we go:


  • DAKOTA G  – came thru Mama T’s three times. On the first  two occasions he failed to reach his stated goals – once leaving of his own accord; on another occasion he was asked to leave for a violation of the rules. His third stay at our facility was the magic charm brought about by his new attitude. He did everything he said he would. He obeyed all the rules. He got a job and saved money. He moved into a better job where the pay was better, and again saved. He has now moved out to an apartment and has shared custody of his son. He is taking care of the boy, setting a good example and leading a rewarding life.

We knew you could do it once you made up your mind. Congratulations, Dakota!!

  • JENNIFER B – moved out of a bad relationship and came to Mama T’s, broke and looking to find a temporary home where she could build a better life for herself. She quickly found a job at a fast food restaurant two miles from our building. She did not have a car, so every day – rain, shine or  bitter cold - she would walk the two miles to work and back again. She never missed a shift, saved her earnings and, with help from the Chickasaws, was able to obtain low cost housing. She is content and looking forward to what the future holds.

May the sun continue to shine brightly for you, Jennifer.

  • ZACK S – After initially arriving at Mama T’s without a home or a  job and addicted to drugs, Zack has shown remarkable determination and perseverance. While staying clean from all mind-altering substances, he secured work at a local café and pursued employment opportunities with the Chickasaw Nation, eventually landing a job with the Nation. After ten months of hard work, Zack has saved up enough money to rent his own apartment and move out of Mama T’s. He has chosen to enter a work  program with the Chickasaw Nation, and Mama T’s is proud to see Zack thriving and continuing to succeed.

Good for you, Zack. Keep up your new good life!  

  • BRIAN H – One of our prior success stories continued to do so well that Mama T’s hired him as a part-time supervisor. He was doing a super job and personally enjoyed his employment; however, it was short lived. Brian had previously had heart issues and was making an effort to eat well, take his medications and routinely exercise. Apparently, that was simply not enough and his heart issues came back to haunt him, making it necessary for him to leave his employment with us. He is expecting to  need a serious operation. We are  praying that everything ultimately works out well for him and hope you will join us by keeping him in your prayers.

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