our mission
MaMa T’s exists to help those who find themselves homeless by temporarily providing for their physical needs while simultaneously assisting them in finding ways out of the circumstances that hold them captive, be it poverty, addiction, lack of education, lack of job skills, health issues and many more.
These services help people meet basic daily survival needs like shelter, food, and personal hygiene while they wait for housing services. While these emergency services are crucial for meeting people’s immediate health and safety needs, they must be connected to an expectations plan for housing and services that focus on ending their homelessness in the moment, and also ensuring long-term housing stability.
MaMa T’S services primarily relies on two types of established, evidence-based housing programs—Rapid Re-housing and Permanent Supportive Housing. Both of these program types have been successfully implemented on a limited scale and both have been proven to end homelessness long-term for households, including individuals and families, in need of housing.
One of our goals is to better understand and address the root causes that place individuals within Mama T’s at higher risks of homelessness, and to address the specific individual and system barriers they face to exit homelessness.
A successful approach to ending homelessness within Mama T’s requires systematic coordination that is client centered, provider informed, data driven and funder led. Said another way, to maximize the use of all resources effectively, it requires 1) sharing a vision of connecting people to housing and providing services to maintain housing, 2) having clear goals and measuring progress to achieve targets, 3) a recognition by each program and stakeholder of the role they play in ending homelessness, and 4) accountability from all involved.
This plan calls for investments in the right order of magnitude to end homelessness at an appropriate scale over time and seeks engagement from many sectors towards that end. A lot of work needs to be done to address discrimination and stigma that exists in our community against people experiencing homelessness.