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Writer's picture: Mama T'sMama T's


Version 10/14/19


We are pleased to welcome you as a guest at Mama T’s B & B. We hope your stay with us will be as pleasant as possible under the circumstances. Please take as long as you need to read these rules as they contain important information that you must understand, and agree to, if you are to stay with us.

We do not discriminate based on race, religion, national origin or sexual orientation. There will be no rejection based on past conduct unconnected to the shelter except: if a background check reveals violent and/or sexual offenses, you will not be admitted to the shelter.


The Intake process will be conducted during the hours of 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. Intake during other hours will only occur in an emergency. What constitutes an emergency will be determined by the Supervisor on duty, the Administrative Assistant or the Executive Director.

You have provided a photo ID, or we have produced one for you. Please keep this with you as you will need to show it any time you enter the shelter. Know that all intake information will be kept confidential unless requested by law enforcement or DHS. This information helps us to meet your needs and provide for the welfare of all while you are here.


WE CANNOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR BELONGINGS. Keep small valuables with you and out of sight. You may request a lockable locker and one will be provided for you. You will also be assigned one unsecured bin. The key to your locker will remain with the Supervisor. If you will be staying for more than one night, you may retain the use of the same locker and bin upon request. YOU MAY BRING IN ONE BAG/SUITCASE ONLY and it, and your person, and carried belongings, will be subject to search, manually and/or with a metal detector, each time you enter the building.

No suitcases or backpacks are to be visible in the dormitories. Everything you bring in with you must fit inside the lockable locker and the unsecured bin provided for you.

The doors of the shelter will be locked after 9:00 p.m., and no one will be permitted to enter or leave without special permission granted by the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director due to emergency or work hours. *Absent special arrangements with a Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or the Executive Director, if you leave without permission, consequences will be as described in Rule #16, and your belongings, if left behind, will be removed from your assigned locker and bin and, after 72 hours, if not retrieved by you, will either be donated or thrown away.

When you terminate your stay with the shelter, if you do not take your belongings with you, they will be held for 72 hours, after which, if not retrieved by you, they will be donated or thrown away. Any medications not claimed within 72 hours will be disposed of at the Pharmaceutical Take-Back Container at either the Ada Police Department or the Pontotoc County Sheriff’s Office.

*The shelter is equipped with audio and visual security equipment. By signing this document, you agree to submit to such surveillance.


Mama T’s is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; however, the shelter is on lock-down between the hours of 9:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M. During lock-down hours guests may not leave and return without special permission from the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director.

Mama T’s is not a come-and-go-at-will facility. Guests remain at the shelter unless absent for reasons such as employment, counseling, classes or special outings with permission of a Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or the Executive Director.


Even if it is unlocked, there will be no admittance to the kitchen without the permission of the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or the Executive Director, and the walk-in refrigerator and/or freezer may only be accessed during hours specified below:

5:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.

11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

*Please reasonably limit the number of times you enter the fridge and/or freezer. Because of the expense and nature of these appliances, if too many people go in and out too many times during the permitted hours, the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director may need to limit everyone’s access.


Smoking and/or dipping is not permitted inside the shelter or in front of the shelter. You are only permitted to smoke/dip on the back deck and the back yard and only during those times that the shelter is not locked down for the night. You must dispose of cigarette butts in the designated containers and spitting will be into cups to be disposed of in the appropriate containers in the smoking area. Vaping and smoking of medical marijuana is prohibited on shelter property.


On Intake you must let us know of any medications you are taking. Guests with a cough may be asked to wear an isolation mask which we will provide. Guests with medical issues that may affect other guests and/or volunteers and staff may be asked to accept medical care at an appropriate facility. Guests who refuse such care may be asked to vacate the Shelter so as to protect the rest of the guests, volunteers and staff.

Guests must insure that all medications are in the original prescription bottles, that the date is current and that the label matches the name provided on Intake. You are never to share your medications with other guests on penalty of being banned from the shelter.

Prescription medications shall be turned in to the Supervisor or Administrative Assistant on duty upon your arrival and Intake at the shelter. These will be kept safely locked in the Supervisor’s office.

Each guest taking medication will have a separate container labeled with his/her name to store medication in the Supervisor’s locked room. At the time that the prescription medications are turned in, the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director will, in writing, and in front of the camera, describe and count all medications received and the guest will sign a form acknowledging that the description/s and the amount/s are correct.

Medications must be taken during the following hours: 7:00 – 7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and 9:00 – 9:30 p.m. When a guest wants access to his/her medication during the hours set forth above, he/she must check with the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director on duty. The Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director on duty will hand that guest’s container to him/her and the guest will take out the needed medications in front of the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive on camera. Mama T’s does not dispense or administer any medications. There will be a form for the guest to sign each time s/he accesses medication verifying the medications and amounts withdrawn by the guest. The form will also be initialed by the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director (or Volunteer) observing.

All medical records will be kept under lock and key in the office of the Executive Director and are only available to the person to whom they pertain, the Executive Director or the medical personnel who assist shelter guests.

Once a week, a Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director on duty will go through any medications we are holding for those who have left the shelter. Any medications which have been left behind by a guest without written arrangement will be disposed of after 72 hours of that person’s departure.

The Supervisor or Administrative Assistant and Executive Director will both attest in writing that all medications left were correct at the last count and were disposed of in the pharmaceutical take-back container at either the Ada Police Department or the Pontotoc County Sheriff’s Office.

Guests found selling or sharing their prescription medications are subject to disciplinary procedures, being reported to authorities and/or immediate dismissal, at the discretion of the Executive Director.

Guests who abuse their medications will be treated as though they are using illegal drugs and are subject to stated disciplinary procedures or immediate dismissal at the discretion of the Executive Director.

Guests and new intakes who hide, or are not truthful, about new or current prescription medications are subject to disciplinary procedures or immediate dismissal at the discretion of the Executive Director.

Any guest accepting prescription medication from another guest is subject to the same discipline as the guest sharing his/her medications.

If you have medication that requires refrigeration, please advise the Supervisor. That medication will be kept in the Supervisor’s refrigerator. When you have need of the refrigerated medication, ask the Supervisor to obtain it for you.

If you are in need of a prescribed medication that will, in any way, cause you to give the appearance of being high or intoxicated, you should bring a letter to the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director from your prescribing doctor stating what has been prescribed and what the side effects might be.

Let a Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or the Executive Director know of unanticipated medical needs that arise. They have a First Aid Cabinet for minor injuries or illnesses. They will call 911 for other emergencies.

*By signing this document, you understand and agree that if you, or the Shelter staff, feel that it is necessary for you to receive outside medical attention, you alone will be responsible for any financial costs that are incurred as a result of transportation and/or treatment.


In order to avoid bed bugs and other sanitary concerns, YOU ARE TO TAKE A SHOWER EVERY DAY YOU STAY AT THE SHELTER prior to sitting or lying on your bed. If you do not have clean clothes with you, you will be given a clean pair of scrubs to wear and sleep in after your shower. The clothes you wear in will need to be washed that night. If you wore scrubs to bed, they will be taken back in the morning so they may be washed and prepared for the next user. Your clothes may be marked with your name to protect from loss and/or theft. *You must take a shower every night – NO EXCEPTIONS other than extreme illness or lack of hot water!

How the wash is done, as well as the use of the washers/dryers and washing supplies, is at the discretion of the Supervisor.

You are to wash your bed linens and towels once a week, or more often if they have become soiled for some reason. You may hang one towel from the corner of your bunk to dry. The day you leave the shelter permanently, you should place your towel and bed linens in the blue resin box located in the bathroom.

While on the premises, you are not permitted to cut or color your own hair or that of another guest, volunteer or staff unless with permission of a Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or the Executive Director. If permission is given, application of the color and rinsing must all be done in the back yard of the shelter utilizing the hose that is there.

Both men and women must dress modestly. Modestly means dressing in such a way as to avoid attracting sexual attention. The final determination as to whether you are dressed modestly will be made by the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director. **AS A GUIDE – Men or Women’s Tank Tops are not permitted. Shorts and dresses must be below finger tip length.


No visitors will be admitted, and there will be no late entry to the shelter by a guest absent an emergency or special permission from the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director (e.g., for late hour employment). You must do your visiting away from the shelter. There may be an exception made by the Executive Director so that children with whom you have court granted rights of visitation may visit and stay with you at the shelter.

Once you have entered and been searched, you may not leave again and return absent special permission from the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director and an additional search of you and your belongings will be required upon return.

Do not open the door and permit a late entry, and do not open the door to let in someone who has not yet been approved to stay at the shelter, who has been denied admission to the shelter or who has been banned from the shelter. Do not use the back door to leave and/or return to the shelter. If you do any of these, you may be required to leave the shelter.


Men and women must sleep in their own designated dormitories and are not permitted in the dormitory of the other gender at any time. Coed social mingling will be permitted only in the communal/dining area or on the deck at the back of the shelter.

There will be no sexual activity of any kind between guests or between guests and staff

members or volunteers. This means no hugging or kissing. There will be no public displays of affection except between a parent and child. The consequences of violating these rules may range from a written warning to immediate dismissal from the shelter at the discretion of the Executive Director.

If a couple can produce documentation of a valid marriage, they will be permitted the privacy of sleeping in the Family Room if the same is not being occupied. Public display of affection between a married couple in the communal area shall be restricted to holding hands, a short hug or kiss on the cheek if one of them is leaving the shelter; anything else is to take place in the privacy of the Family Room.

Sexual harassment will not be tolerated. Please read the Abuse Policy carefully as it defines terms for you. Sexual harassment, depending on the magnitude, may make you subject to immediate dismissal from the shelter.

Guests are not permitted to lend money to other guests. If you give money to another guest, you should consider it a gift. Mama T’s will not assist you in attempting to recoup money you have given to another guest.


Children must be under the watch and control of a parent at all times. You are not permitted to have another guest watch your children. They are your responsibility! The Supervisor, Administrative Assistant and/or Executive Director, in an emergency only, may make suitable arrangements for care. School age children must be in bed by 9:00 p.m. on school nights. On Friday and Saturday nights you may determine if your child’s bed time will be later.

Children may not use the playground unless supervised by one parent or guardian or unless there is a volunteer who has been authorized by shelter staff to supervise the children while they are on the playground. Children will not be permitted on the playground after 8:00 p.m. or dark, whichever comes earlier.

Children will be expected to do chores commensurate with their ages and abilities.

Boys over the age of 10 (ten), must sleep in the men’s quarters – ten or younger may sleep in the women’s dorm with their mothers.


Possession, or use, of alcohol or illegal drugs is not permitted in any part of this shelter. If you appear to be intoxicated or under the influence of an illegal substance, a breathalyzer and/or drug test will be administered before you will be allowed into the shelter or to determine if you will be permitted to stay. If you pass, you stay; if you fail, you will have to leave the premises. If you refuse to take the breathalyzer and/or drug test, you will not be admitted or, if already a guest, you will have to leave.

During your stay, drug and breathalyzer tests may be administered randomly at the discretion of the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director. *If a guest fails a breathalyzer or drug test, whether that guest will be permitted to return under a Behavioral Contract is in the discretion of the Executive Director.

If you are in need of a prescribed medication that will, in any way, cause you to give the appearance of being high or intoxicated, you should bring a letter to the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director from your prescribing doctor stating what has been prescribed and what the side effects might be.

*Searches of person, personal property, lockers and bins can be conducted at any time by shelter staff or by the “Drug Dog” and its handler. The only exception is that the drug dog will not “sniff” your person but may smell your clothes if they are taken off of you.


No weapons of any kind are allowed in the Shelter. Bags will be searched, manually and with a metal detector; any weapon found will be confiscated, and police will be contacted if you are found to be in possession of a gun. Work tools will be held in a special locker and must be checked in and out with a Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or the Executive Director.


This is your temporary home. Please help us to keep it clean! Pick up after yourself and help us with cleanup when physically possible. Eat snacks and beverages in the communal/dining area and discard wrappers in the available trash cans. There will be no snacks or drinks, other than a water bottle, in the dorm areas. *There will be no lying down or sitting on the floor of the shelter. These are considered minor infractions for which you will receive a writeup. If it happens several times, it may be considered a major infraction for which you may be banned from the shelter for a period of time.

You will be expected to perform chores assigned by the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director in exchange for your room and board. What chores are to be performed will be by luck of the draw each morning and evening or by such other method as determined by the Executive Director. At the discretion of the Supervisor a disabled guest may be excused from chores or be assigned to a minor chore. Guests who work night shifts will be excused from chores; they will be expected to help the Executive Director during the day as s/he may require. Failure to do your assigned chore/s will result in a write up in your folder. If it happens several times, without good reason, it may be considered a major infraction for which you may be banned from the shelter for a period of time.

Your bed is to be made daily with the blue shelter blanket on top. A picture of a model bed will be on display on the bulletin board so that you will know how to make up your bunk. A first time failure will earn you a simple warning. You have three chances after that and if you do not conform, you will be banned from the shelter for a period of time.

Nothing may be stashed under your bunk except that one pair of shoes may be placed at the foot of the bottom bunk. If you have been assigned to the top bunk, you may stash your one pair of shoes at the foot of the bottom bunk.

*If you are returning for the next night, please advise the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director so that your name is placed on the return list before you leave the shelter. ** If you are not returning for a second night, you are asked to put your bed linens, towel and scrubs in the blue resin box in the bathroom.


The Shelter telephone is not available for guest use unless it is an emergency & you do not have a cell phone. If an emergency call needs to be made on the shelter phone (and it must be local only), the Supervisor will dial the local number & you must limit the call to 3 minutes.

Your personal cell phone must be on silent mode inside the shelter; you may keep it on vibrate mode.


Quiet hours are enforced. You must be in your bed at 10:30 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 11:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights at which time lights will go out. Wake up call will be at 6:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, at which time lights will go on. Supervisors may permit a later wakeup call on Saturdays and Sundays. As state above, cell phones should be on silent mode, with vibration mode on if you wish, and only emergency calls may be taken during quiet hours. Any emergency call should be taken into the communal area and should last no longer than five minutes

Guests should take a shower, brush their teeth, use the bathroom, wash hands and perform other nighttime hygiene tasks before the lights go out.

You may not enter the communal/dining area until 5:30 a.m. You should not exit the dorm and go into the communal/dining area until 5:30 a.m., unless you have the permission of the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director.


Obviously, some infractions and offenses are of major severity; others are minor.

*When dealing with minor infractions, the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director will exercise judgment as to what the consequences will be. Any final decision will be at the discretion of the Executive Director. A series of minor infractions can add up to a major infraction and dismissal. If you have 3 (three) write ups within a 4 (four) month period, consequences will be governed by Rule #17.

*Whether other actions not mentioned here constitute an infraction and whether such infraction is major or minor is at the discretion of the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director with the final decision being at the discretion of the Executive Director.

*Major infractions are those which will generally require immediate dismissal from the shelter. Major infractions will include:

  • Lack of truthfulness in data supplied on the Intake Form, including failure to report an out-of-state conviction for a violent or sexual offense.

  • Attempting to avoid child support obligations.

  • Refusing or failing a drug or breathalyzer test.

  • Behavior that would be considered illegal by law enforcement.

  • Lying when asked about weapons or drugs and trying to sneak in those items.

  • Stealing from the Shelter, other guests or staff.

  • Behavior which could have resulted in injury to another guest, volunteer or staff.

  • Behavior which did result in injury to another guest, volunteer or staff.

  • Lying on matters of importance to staff other than as specified above. Whether the matter is of sufficient importance is at the discretion of the Executive Director.

  • Sexual misconduct of any kind, including inappropriate touching of a guest, volunteer, staff or of yourself in public view in the shelter, or taking inappropriate pictures of guests, volunteers or staff.

  • Accessing pornography on any device.

  • Not respecting the bunk or personal belongings of another guest. The severity of this offense (whether major or minor) is at the discretion of the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or the Executive Director.

  • To protect the privacy of other guests, your use of any recording device on shelter property, whether vocal or video, is strictly prohibited. If Mama T’s approves a media release, no frontal image of you will be utilized without your permission.

  • We cannot guarantee your privacy. There may be occasions when members of the Board of Directors, volunteers, entertainers, the public, health care professionals, law enforcement, social services agencies, etc., may access the shelter. By signing these rules, you understand that you waive any right to privacy to which you may be entitled.

  • You need to understand that Mama T’s endeavors to help those who truly want to end their homelessness and address the problems that have caused the homelessness. We do so by, among other means, providing a structured environment for their success. The shelter is not a motel where people can come and go at their pleasure. With this in mind, the consequences of a voluntary temporary exit from the shelter for a day or more, without written permission, (or of being caught lying as to the reason for permission or of leaving after lockdown but before exit time without permission) are as follows:

  1. First time – barred from returning to the shelter for 30 days.

  2. Second time – barred from returning to the shelter for 6 months.

  3. Third time – barred from returning to the shelter for one year.

  4. Fourth time – forever barred - you may not return to the shelter.

  • There will be no violence towards anyone or anyone’s belongings nor will there be damage caused to the shelter or its property.

  • No unruly behavior will be tolerated; that means no shouting, hitting, touching, throwing, shoving, biting or wrestling. Do not get into arguments with guests, staff members or volunteers. If you have a problem, take it to the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant, Executive Director or President of the Board of Directors as is appropriate under the circumstances.

  • No profanity is to be used on shelter property. Abusive language, including ethnic or sexual defamation, swearing, sexual harassment or making fun of other guests in a demeaning way is not allowed. Whether the profanity constitutes a major or minor infraction is at the discretion of the Supervisor, Administrative Assistant or Executive Director.

  • Tattling, speech that causes drama in the facility, trying to manipulate staff, guests or volunteers against each other will not be tolerated. If a guest has difficulties with another guest, volunteer or staff, the offended guest should seek out the assistance of the Supervisor, or if the problem is with the Supervisor, then the guest should seek out the Executive Director (or if she is not available, seek out the President of the Board of Directors). In any such occurrence an appropriate Incident Report should be requested and filled out by the guest.


If three write ups are received in any given four-month period, you will be automatically dismissed upon the third write up.

Once a write up reaches four months, it will be rolled off by the Supervisor.

Upon a 3rd (third) infraction of Shelter Rules, or voluntary exit without permission as set forth in Rule #16, you will be automatically banned for 30 (thirty) days the first time; 6 (six) months the second time, and 1 (one) year the third time. A 4th infraction prohibits you from ever returning to the shelter.


Within ten (10) days of admittance into the shelter, a Plan for Independence will be established between the Guest and the Shelter Executive Director. There are no exceptions. FYI – The Plan may include in or outpatient treatment for those having addiction issues, attendance at classes applicable to your situation, steady employment, savings verification, participating in money management classes, meeting child support obligations and taking care of outstanding warrants and court costs. Proof will be required that you are working on goals and that they are being met at appropriate times. The purpose of the Plan for Independence is to prepare you to become self-sufficient, productive members of society at large, ready to leave the shelter for independent housing and capable of supporting yourself – and your family if you have one. Not complying with your Plan, without permission/good excuse, is grounds for being banned from the Shelter.

Any guest who, because of disability or old age, cannot participate in a Plan For Independence must cooperate with the Executive Director in attempting to obtain benefits and locate a facility that can house that guest indefinitely.


Chapel services may be provided. Guests may attend if they so wish, but attendance is not required.

If a guest desires pastoral guidance, they should advise the Supervisor or Administrative Assistant and a list of those pastors willing to visit the shelter, or to have you visit with them at their church, will be provided.


Loitering within a two block radius of the Shelter is not permitted and will constitute a minor infraction under Rule 16, unless it is repeated after warning, in which case it will become a major infraction. The only exception is that our guests may utilize he public library down the block where they are welcome.

21. MAIL

Correspondence directed to a guest or ex-guest will be held for seven days. After that time, if not retrieved by the guest or ex-guest, the mail will be “Returned to Sender.”


Please direct all comments or concerns about the shelter operation to the Executive Director.


I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to abide by, all the rules set forth on pages one through twelve and that I have read and understand the “Abuse Policy” attached hereto. I understand that if I refuse to sign, I will not be admitted to the shelter. I also understand that if I violate any of these rules, I may be asked to leave the shelter as set forth above.



WITNESS: (Registrar)____________________________________________________________

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